Today is Giving Tuesday and the kick off to our affiliated fund of the Midlands Community Foundation's Matching Charitable Program of which the Little Giants Foundation is a part of! (See their website noted below for details) So instead of sending out Christmas cards this year here is ours on social media and we will instead donate to our nonprofit Little Giants Foundation. 💗 Please consider giving and you may do so in 3 ways: (1) go to (2) go directly to & to Little Giants there or (3) send checks made out to LGF to 15603 S Hwy 6, Gretna, NE 68028. We thank you for the support for our Emily's rare disease and others afflicted past, present and future! Please feel free to share and Merry Christmas & Believe from Joe, Erin, Emily and Taylor-Jo Koesters #givingtuesday #believe