Leart Dervishaj was born on December 12, 2011. He was diagnosed with SIOD
on October 6, 2014 at two years and ten months old. Leart is currently four and a half.
In speaking with his mother, Rezarta she told me that Leart, "loves his iPad,his PlayStation4 and going to the park. {He also enjoys} playing with his little brother, Endi and his dad, ARTON.
Right now nothing big is going on with his medical care {although} he is on blood pressure medicine and antibiotics. He does get up in the middle of the night crying of knee pain if he played hard that day. A fond memory of him is when we went to Disney May of 2016 he loved meeting the characters, and being at the pool all day."
Leart and his family live in Guttenberg, New Jersey.