Juanico Jimenez De La Calle
Born October, 11, 2003 in Cartagena (Murcia) Spain, was diagnosed with SIOD in 2008 and marched with God on November 24, 2014.
I visited with Juan's mother, Angelita De La Calle Hernandez and father, Fulgen Jimenez Hernandez via facebook many times and followed Juan's story on http://ayudemosalpequenojuan.blogspot.com.es/.
Please read the following taken and translated from his blogspot about this precious little giant from Spain:
John is like this: really big one child. We know that we refer to a Juanazo ,
a child with fortitude and strength of a man. Juan faces everyday as an adventure
despite its difficulties . Without fear of tomorrow , without fear of their
illness : Free .
Simply observe five minutes to see that is those which, although falling
a hundred times , does not give up : he falls , gets up ; falls ,
gets up, and so until it does. In its review , the most common phrase of doctors
is: No I can not believe ! It seems incredible to have this disease.
Despite his ailments too many! -often Is no complaint or ask " Why ? " .
Always it recovers thanks to its immense inner strength , which seems miraculous .
His zest for life make him strong and does not decay. Fight for him, for his
family. We always give to keep fighting together , for him, for ourselves,
for others.