Tuesday, May 14, 2019

Virtual Race

We’ve partnered with LPFCH at Stanford for SIOD research & you can virtually join to support no matter where you are and run/walk for Emily & SIOD. ⠀

Register here today!πŸ‘‡⠀

πŸƒπŸ»‍Make sure to sign up as “VIRTUAL RACER” if you’re not local to Stanford. Stay tuned for event on our page for those running in Nebraska /Iowa and more! ⠀
(Ex: fee $40 to run, so just donate that in the virtual racer category)⠀
πŸƒπŸΌNote from Stanford: “Our virtual runners make a donation to SIOD research. Our friends and family will automatically receive a fundraising page upon registering to share with their supporters. As a note, we do send an email to all participants who select “other” as the fund they would like to fundraise for to confirm in writing where they would like their funds raised to go towards.”