Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Merry Christmas To All

We wish everyone a Merry Christmas.  We appreciate all of your support and love through our journey.  We know there are so many who are hurting this holiday season due to loss and challenges and we BELIEVE in the reason for the season and that our efforts to bring about more awareness, education and funding for SIOD will continue to grow and be stronger than ever.

The Koesters Family

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Believe It Can Be Done!

Today is GIVINGTUESDAY and we are working with SHAREOmaha.  We have a wish list link where you could help us with our behind the scenes needs or you could also click to donate.  Please share our foundation site as well.  While you are at it, share how you know us on your own social media pages or with your friends and why LGF and Emily are important to you.  Please go to our website to read about the research where your giving dollars are going and read about our story.  Emily is the ONLY LIVING child in Gretna, in Nebraska, in the MIDWEST with SIOD! I believe together we can do something extraordinary!
LGF Website LINK

Yesterday we had a follow up appointment with Emily's doctor we lovingly call Dr. Elmo, but his real name is Dr. David Finken. He would be the last to say, if he would say at all, that he deserves any credit for Emily's success with her #SIOD disease, however; we think he is a tremendous asset to our team and has been through it all from the beginning with our little giant warrior princess!  We are proud of how Emily has been working on getting back to her baseline routines.  She is not there yet, but she is making progress.  Her episodes are few and farther between and that is good.