Tuesday, January 28, 2020


Be sure to wear RED and/or your Little Giant T's on February 11th as we honor Emily Koesters' Nebraska Little Giant Day.  We'd love for you to share your selfies with us either on our FB page https://www.facebook.com/believeinlittlegiants/ that day or email us and we will share them for you!  (littlegiantsfoundation@gmail.com)

Tuesday, January 21, 2020

January is Jumpin'

We are rockin in the New Year and new decade with all the good things!  We had a fabulous Matching Program campaign with our affiliate- Midlands Community Foundation that ended January 6th and are awaiting totals, yet I'm confident we met our goal!  We attended their Reflection Ball last Saturday honoring First Responders- something we know about and have had to use ourselves with Emily.  Our board had it's first meeting of the New Year and we nailed down some event dates to be sure and add to your calendars with more details to come. We have a little bit for everyone: from local, to on social, to all across the USA and World!  All in the name of SIOD, research and the Little Giants Foundation.
AND - be sure to check out our pledge campaign!  1K people to donate monthly $10 (or any amount beyond) = $10,000 a month and $100,000 in 2020!  CLICK DONATE and the DROP down menu to choose monthly option!

Wednesday, January 15, 2020

D is for Dysplasia in SIOD

Hip Dysplasia is a prevalent part of SIOD.
Emily was in such pain with her hips prior to her double hip replacement that she was under palliative care because of the adult doses of medication being given to keep her "comfortable".  She would scoot herself along the floor on her knuckles around the house as she could no longer walk.  She was confined to a wheelchair at this point and her quality of life was diminished.
We went to the world renown skeletal dysplasia specialist Dr. Mackenzie at AI duPont Children's Hospital in Delaware.  He is the only surgeon to know of, have worked on and trusted to care for a child with SIOD in the USA thus far with these complexities.  He and his nurse practitioner, Colleen Ditro have been instrumental in Emily's care since we met 7 years ago.

Two years ago Emily had the hardware removed from that surgery.  Eventually she will need a hip replacement, her body will tell us when.  She partakes in PT's of aqua and horse once a week to this day for her quality of life, recovery, respiratory and endurance issues.  She only uses that wheelchair now for endurance or very sick days, and uses forearm crutches most days, yet gets around the house on her own.

We know that keeping her moving is key.  HETRA, aqua and school help us to do that. And of course our specialists in Delaware.

Two years ago after surgery
Dr. Mackenzie after 1st surgery 7 years ago
Emily in fully body cast after surgery 7 years ago

Wednesday, January 1, 2020

Happy 2020 Everyone!

🎊Only 6 more days to give to our affiliated fund of the Midlands Community Foundation's Matching Charitable Program of which the Little Giants Foundation is a part of! (See their website noted below for details)👇
😊Please consider giving and you may do so in  ways: (1) go to our LGF website (link also below) and click on the DONATE LINK
it takes you directly to midlandscommunity*org our affiliate fund matching your donations through Jan 7th WHERE you can opt to give MONTHLY! or (2) send checks made out to LGF to 15603 S Hwy 6, Gretna, NE 68028.
🎉We thank you for the support for our Emily's rare, life limiting disease #SIOD and others afflicted past, present and future!
Please feel free to share and HAPPY NEW YEAR!🎉
Believe from Joe, Erin, Emily and Taylor-Jo Koesters #giving #believe #sisters #littlegiants #midlandscommunity #taxdeduction #monthlygiving