Registration is open for 7th annual Little Giants Farm Run! VIRTUALLY
Well- for those of you following Emily's leg saga, we have an answer and some next steps toward progress.
Emily's ped doc feels she has:
Complex regional pain syndrome is a chronic health problem that causes long-lasting pain. It is often caused by an overreaction in the body to a physical injury.
Symptoms include constant pain ranging from mild to severe. You may also sometimes have swelling, sweating, and changes in skin color and temperature in the affected area.
Complex regional pain syndrome might go away on its own over time. But in some people, the symptoms can last or even get worse. Common treatments are pain medicines, physical therapy, electrical nerve stimulation, and injecting an anesthetic into the nerves. (
So he is working with the pain management team and some from physical therapy to set up next steps to help control her pain and not interfere with her other medications and do it all via zoom!