We could use your help to save lives AND support the The Little Giants Foundation at our July 9 Blood Drive in honor of Emily Koesters' 19th birthday in Gretna, Nebraska at the Village Square right in front of Gretna Insurance Agency! When the blood drive meets its goals, NCBB will give money back to the Foundation for each donation given.
Please note:
1 NCBB is in Urgent Need Status for O+, O- and A+ donors (Emily is A+)
2 We need just 8 more donors to fill all of our spots.
Emily was diagnosed with a rare genetic life limiting disease at the age of 4; doctors said the life expectancy is typically 9 years. Emily continues to beat the odds thanks to research, amazing doctors AND because of generous blood and platelet donors. Keep the momentum going and Emily smiling by celebrating her 19th birthday with your blood donations. Schedule online at NCBB.ORG /search drives and use sponsor code LGF. Appointments are required! Please help spread the word. #BelieveinEmily #SIOD #Littlegiants #GiveBloodGiveHope #LetsSaveLives