Tuesday, July 30, 2019

All Things Camp & A Race to Run!

What's less than 10 miles from our home?  Allows kids who have or have had cancer or blood disorders a chance to be kids and provides hours of unending fun?  Why Camp COHOLO of course.  A camp that fosters COURAGE HOPE & LOVE and provided a safe refuge for Emily for what I can best recollect as these past 9 years!



Looking for a family fun adventure that helps others?  Look no further!  Run ,walk or skip and help raise funding and awareness for #SIOD!  Be sure to register for our 6th Annual Family Farm Run here today:
Farm Run Registration

Also- did you see this article on blood donation?
Life Saving Blood

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Saving Lives, Sweet 16 and Summer

June 29th we held our 2nd Annual Blood Drive in Honor of Emily's birthday and had 15 new donors and 17 walk ups that day and a few more!  Over 30 pints and over 30 lives saved and donated to our local hospitals.  We love our partnership with Nebraska Community Blood Bank (NCBB).  

Emily turned SWEET 16 on July 8th!


Summer has been treating Emily well this year as she continues to maintain therapies, doctors and treatments.  We are so grateful for the good times for her with this disease.  We know it can be different any moment. We are in full swing for our next FUNdraiser happening September 22!  Keep a watch out and mark your calendars.