Sunday, June 14, 2020

Only Child Living with SIOD in Nebraska

Emily is the ONLY child LIVING with SIOD in GRETNA, in NEBRASKA and in the MIDWEST!
Here at The Little Giants Foundation we think about, dream about, and Believe it will work! It has to.
Join our movement to fund #SIOD research and show your year-round passion for helping to find a cure! #gretnalife #nebraska #midwest #rally #funding #research #giveback #littlegiantsfoundation
Click on the DONATE link to set up your pledge today!  Click the drop down menu option!

Wednesday, June 10, 2020

HomeTown Hero NCBB & LGF Blood Drive

                                               From Last Year- This year on July 11th
In honor of Emily's upcoming 17th birthday, the Little Giants Foundation will be holding a Blood Drive on July 11th at TBA in Nebraska from 9 a.m. - 12 p.m.

The special thing about the Nebraska Community Blood Bank Hometown Hero Drives is that you can give back to your community in more than one way by participating. Not only are you donating blood to Nebraska residents, but money will be raised and donated to the Little Giants Foundation.

This will be the Little Giants Foundation's third year being honored as the Hometown Hero and we feel beyond blessed to see members from the community come together to help make an impact and so many lives.

We continue to fight each day by believing. Believing that each day fighting to stay alive will one day lead to a cure to Emily's rare genetic disease. With the help of others, we might be able to raise enough money to help fund research in finding a cure.