Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Another Challenge to Face

Anxiety.  It can cause severe impairment, distress and mess with your mind.  It can interfere with one's academia, social and family activities.  It can be a challenge that many have, yet few are aware of or know how to react, behave or help the person who is having "episodes".

Emily has dealt with many challenges head to toe living with SIOD, however; this "anxiety" is new for her, for us and how to help her best.  Since this most recent hospitalization she had to deal with seizures and then her body said- hey, you've taken on so much, yet let's add anxiety to the mix.  Emily is getting frozen in fear of what will happen next, who will be able to help her like we do and how to manage life outside our home.  It is excruciating to watch as her parents, and plain old not fun.  We have been working through it with her and using some techniques, but we are finally at the point where she needs more tools in her kit and getting professional help.

It is so weird all of the emotions that come up.  We have dealt with a kidney transplant, cancer twice, debilitating seizures, double hip reconstruction, serious fungal infections, and 55 surgeries, and this Little Giant has conquered them all, however; this new challenge is throwing us all for a loop.  She will conquer this, too- we know it.  She has so many people helping her and loving her and praying for her and we are very appreciative.  For now we keep loving her, helping her and holding her close to help her believe in herself once again.

We appreciate all of our friends who have come forward to share their anxiety stories and to comfort Emily in that she is not alone and those who have offered some guidance.  We hope that if you are someone reading this and you have anxiety that you have tools to work through it as well and if not we hope this encourages you that you are not alone and to seek help as well.

Pictured with our resilient, warrior princess is our friend and her massage therapist for over a decade- Kim Kelly.  Emily saw her Sunday to help with her aches and pains and some brain work to help ease her body of being in constant fight mode.