Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Brighter Days Before Us

Things are beginning to get brighter.  Emily is not magically cured, or better, or anything, however every day we believe and every day is a new day to be better than the day before.

Last week Emily had reinstatement evaluations for some therapies and they went well and there is a game plan ahead.  I've always felt it is important to keep her moving and as active as possible because like anyone when we are in motion to whatever capacity we are capable we simply do better in our daily lives.  Quality of life is top priority.

Emily's aquatherapy is improving as well as far as her getting more comfortable in the water again.  For those that don't know- she is a fish in water and her not wanting to go under the water is counterintuitive to her nature.  Baby steps.

Emily has another evaluation for her episodes tomorrow and as far as the foundation lots of cool things are happening!  Stay tuned for more on that as I am able to reveal!
