Thursday, December 3, 2020

COVID19, SIOD and Cover Photos

 My oh my what a whirlwind of a week thus far.  COVID19 may have hit our family, but it won't keep us down.  Well, maybe a little, okay, maybe a lot, yet we are fighters.  Thank heavens Emily's symptoms after her ER visit Wednesday haven't grown any.  She is better than last week and keeping mild symptoms of plugged up nose, headaches, fatigue and some tightening of the chest so she uses her inhaler.

Daddy Joe, however; has been doing worse than Emily and had to go on oxygen at home and then to the ER last night and is back home and getting relief from a steroid shot in his IV and meds at home to help assist his lungs as a chest x-ray and CT scan showed he has COVID going on in there.

Taylor-Jo and I stayed asymptomatic until recently.  Our symptoms are real mild and we keep repeating that we are healthy, strong and will remain so for our family.

Amidst all of this COVID craziness we are still thankful for the health we do have, for our family remaining home together, for the kindness of friends and family and for our supporters of LGF.

Giving Tuesday was a giant success and Matching Funds also started.  There's so much happening and to check out:

1. Our new video made by our SLA UNO Capstone students (Kylie Squiers Photography)

Believe In Little Giants Foundation

2. Emily's Cover Photo and Article in the Edge Magazine

Defy All Odds

3. Matching Funds with our affiliate MCF