Thursday, August 12, 2021

I have a feeling we're not in Nebraska anymore...

 Much has happened since this Little Giant turned 18.  Our annual birthday blood drive- saved 99 lives- our local county fair where Emily and her sister brought a prize winning black bantam cochin chicken- they named Rose and won a purple and blue ribbon with her for showmanship and cage showing.  But the most precedent thing now on the top of our list is Emily's recent medical battle that has docs baffled currently- again.  

Monday night Emily felt like she had something in her eye and things were a bit blurry.  By Tuesday evening it was so bad she could barely see out of her left eye and she was very worried, so I took her to our Children's ER in Omaha, NE.  ER docs brought in the Ophthamologist and she discovered Emily had a detached retina.  She referred her Wed to a retina specialist in Omaha the next morning.  There was also pigmentation scarring ( which we knew from a few years earlier) and it is in both eyes and the doc feels it may be a genetic thing.  So now we are in Iowa.  Emily and I  are bouncing back and forth from my folks in Cyclone territory to Hawkeye territory at the University of Iowa Hospital until the genetic eye specialists can determine best next steps which more than likely will require surgery.

Daddy Joe is holding down the fort and taking our youngest- the 5th grader to her first few days of school and Grandma J is helping as well where needed with the tween and the animals until we know more and know when we will be coming home and Emily can start her Senior year.