Wednesday, February 23, 2022

Let's Talk Self- Care

 Being a caregiver is not easy.  Whether you are caring for a friend, spouse, parent, or a child it takes a toll.

I had heard early on in Emily's diagnosis to take care of myself first so that I would have more to give for her and her needs.  It took me a very long time to figure out that these people doling out this advice weren't crazy.  So long in fact that I really only started taking care of me in the intentional way I need to these past several years.  I had mother's guilt.  I still do, yet now they are only moments or days of guilt.

I am going to provide a list of what I do currently to take care of Erin.  If this sounds selfish to you, know that I used to think the same thing.  It took me a long time to embrace this concept.  Keep in mind that I have been working on me for years and this is where I am at now.  I change what my routine is and how it looks depending on where I am at in my life.  Maybe you will find one thing from my routine that you can start doing in yours.

*I wake up before anyone else in my home.  I give GRATITUDE and write down 5-10 things I am thankful for from the previous day.  Then I get ready enough to get the little ready to take to the drop off lane at school. ( Moms you know what I mean.)

*After dropping her off I either go to the gym ( something new since the pandemic started) or come home and do yoga/pilates.  (30-45 min)

*Then it is coffee, devotional time and meditation. (30 min total)

* If I have enough time depending on the day I read for 20 minutes ( or save it for later in the day) or I take over cares for the hubster with Emily and get ready to conquer the day.

I am done by 8:30 or 9 am and then work and take care of Emily.  Again- I have figured out the amount of time I need by trial and error and then some days it all gets derailed and I am working on allowing myself the grace to pick back up and start over again the next day.  My wish is that something resonates from my self cares that you can add into your routine to help you be the best version of you today.

We are all works in progress and wonderfully and uniquely made.  Be kind to yourself and know you are not selfish- you are making yourself stronger to be an even better caregiver!